
Production Details for Crime Drama

Ranks in the UK Police:
Police Constable
Detective Chief Inspector
Chief Inspector
Chief Superintendant
Deputy Chief Constable
Chief Constable

Autopsy - a post-mortem examination

Burglary- a crime of breaking and entering a property

Forensics - the application of science to answer questions related to a crime

Informant - someone who gives secret information

Interrogation - the formal questioning of someone during a police investigation

Lawyer - a member of the legal profession, eg Barrister and Solicitor (also known as a brief)

Manslaughter - is a legal term for the killing of a human being, in a manner considered by law as culpable than murder

Murder - the unlawful killing of another human being

Perpetrator - a person who commits a crime

Robbery - a crime of taking or attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force

Search warrant - a court order to search a property

Sentence - the punishment allotted to a person condemned in a criminal trial

Statement - a formal account of events given by someone

Witness - a person who gives evidence in court

Symbiotic - something which depends on the other person to survive.

Stock Characters - Common characters in a crime drama

Informant - Someone who helps the police to find out facts. 'Snitch.'

Anti Hero - When they're the hero but they also do bad things and dont follow the law.

Rationale- why would your crime drama be successful?

Equilibrium - The normal part before the crime happends

Disruption - The part where the crime takes place

Resolution - The crime is solved, usually the part where the murderer is found.